(The chamber of treasures. Source)
- Rhampsinitus, a monarch, built two statues
- North statue - For Summer, was worshipped
- South statue - For Winter, never worshipped
- The king built a chamber to keep his riches
- A builder plotted to steal the riches by placing the stone in the wrong way where it could be removed from the outside
- The builder got ill so he told his sons about the riches before he died
- Sons stole the treasure after their father died
- Sons kept stealing his treasure over and over again
- King found his treasure was stolen but didn't know who to suspect
- Guards at entrances didn't help catch them
- King put traps in the chamber
- One of the sons got caught but the other one didn't
- The son that was caught told the other son to cut off his head so the king wouldn't know the identity of his brother
- King hung the corpse on the palace wall to see if anyone would sorrow for him but no one came
- Mother, grieving in secret, told the son to get the corpse off the wall or else she would reveal his identity to the king
- The son got several donkeys, put wine on their backs, got close to the guards, and removed the lids from the wine. The guards drank the wine, got drunk, and fell asleep. The son then removed his brother's body from the wall
- The king sent his daughter in disguise to find the criminal
- She offered to be their bride if they told her the most wicked and artful things they have done
- She found the criminal and he told her the truth. She tried to capture him but he escaped.
- The king was so amazed at the cunning and daring of the robber that he offered pardon a reward if he turned himself in
- The son took the king up on his offer
- He got pardoned and took the king's daughter in marriage
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