Las Vegas, Nevada. Declaring Vegas as my favorite place might make it seem like I have a gambling problem but I don't have one. Outside of peer pressure from friends, I don't play slots, blackjack, craps, roulette, lottery, scratchers, or any other gambling game where I expect to lose money in the long run. I do, however, play poker, which is a gambling game that includes the element of skill to go along with the element of luck. In poker, players who have a significant amount of skill over their opponents expect to win money in the long run. It can be similar to investing except that you're investing in yourself and your poker skill compared to your opponents. In fact I currently play poker professionally (i.e. as the main source of income) and have done so for about the last nine years. So naturally, my friends and I go to Vegas pretty frequently where they have the most and biggest variety of poker games in the world. Anyway, here are some pictures I took from our trip to Vegas last summer.
(Personal image of me playing Texas Hold'em, a
popular poker variant, at Flamingo casino
in Las Vegas, Nevada)
(Personal image of Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada)
(Personal image of Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada)
(Personal image of Las Vegas Strip in Las Vegas, Nevada)
(Personal image of me on the escalator at
Hash A Go Go restaurant inside the
Linq casino in Las Vegas, Nevada)
Whoa, this is very cool, Daniel; it seems like you will almost have to do a poker or gambling related project for this class, or something about Lady Luck, maybe? Anyway, I like the fact that your connection to Vegas is professional, not just for a fun vacation. Playing cards may be your tools of the trade, but they are also works of art, and the subject of story and legend: Wikipedia: Playing Cards ... and of course there is also Tarot; I made a Tarot randomizer just for fun this summer. random Tarot card ... cards as art, cards as fate, all very cool! :-)