Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Reading Notes: Tibetan Folk Tales, Part B

(Little rabbit after seeing his mom being cooked and eaten. Source)

  • There were two families, one with a mother bear and her son, the other with a mother rabbit and her son
  • The mother rabbit dug roots faster than the mother bear, so the mother bear killed her
  • Little rabbit waited on his mother but she didn't come home. He went to the bear's house and discovered that mother bear and her son were cooking and eating his mom. Little rabbit vowed to get revenge on them
  • When mother bear left little bear by himself, little rabbit killed him and took his mother's stolen sack of roots
  • Little rabbit left the scene, going up a mountain. He came across a tiger and asked the tiger to help him hide in his ear. Tiger agreed
    • Why didn't Tiger ask little rabbit what he had done?
  • After finding her son dead, mother rabbit went to find little rabbit. She came across the tiger and asked if he had seen the little rabbit, telling him she would kill him if he didn't tell the truth. Tiger said don't talk to me like that or I will kill you without much trouble. Mother bear obeyed and went on
    • What if mother bear was stubborn and tried to fight the tiger?
  • Rabbit started eating some of the roots in the sack. Tiger asked what he was eating. Rabbit said his own eyeball.
  • Tiger asked to eat one and liked the way it tasted. Asked rabbit if he took out his own eyeballs and ate them if rabbit would lead the tiger around and take care of him
  • Rabbit says he would, digging out tiger's eyeballs and handing him some roots to eat instead. He then led tiger to a big cliff and told him to go to sleep. Then he built a big fire so that when the tiger moved back to avoid it he fell off the cliff and killed himself
  • Then rabbit went to the shepherd and told him to cut up the dead tiger on the mountain
  • Then rabbit went to the wolf and told him to kill some sheep since the shepherd is gone
  • Then rabbit went to the raven and told her to pick the eyes out of the little wolves since their mother went to kill sheep
  • Then the rabbit ran away
What if the rabbit went so far with his mischief that karma came back and mother bear killed him?

A Rabbit Story by A.L. Shelton

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